

The aim is to address the growing distance between two arguments warring in education at the moment. The concerns centre on whether elementary aged children are to be introduced to information about gender, sexuality and gender expression at school.

At the centre of the argument are 2 ideas. Should elementary aged children be taught about sexuality, gender and gender expression? In what grades would it be reasonable for children to learn about these aspects of identity?

Some parents, educators, politicians feel that the provision of complex information to impressionable children may confuse or at worse, permanently alter children’s ideas of themselves.

On the other hand information about 2 Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, plus (2SLGBTQIA+) communities are already readily available in a range of formats and spaces (online). Curious minors could access information such as this unfiltered. Schools, I imagine, would be safe places to enable students to begin broadening their understanding of themselves initially, and wider presentations of identity. This is the alternative idea.

I will state that as long as a culture war is being viciously fought. With heavy casualties on all sides of the argument, those who hold power are able to hoot at our folly and continue to profit off of our continued enmity. Fred Hampton, he of the Black Panthers, had a singularly powerful idea. When diverse and disparate members of society co-ordinate and collaborate when fighting against a political power structure, notice has to be paid to that group! Who then are unified against a common scourge. Be it a political system, capitalism, corporate greed, poverty, substandard housing, unbalanced policing and cracks in the system of education .

Many in our global community are affected by some, if not all of the concerns listed above. In Canada a thin veil hovers between those who have and those who do not, providing some with the illusion of security and safety. Many live a paycheck or two away from homelessness! When beneath the chiffon, we become aware of how precariously peace holds there! A pendulum swings in this space, between apathy and outrage. Here the battle rages between educators, parents, students, councillors, the party politic and writers attempting to wrestle sense from the crush! What is to be decided – educators and schools sharing information with young students, the topic of identity. Specifically schools discussing gender expression and whether the sex one is assigned at birth, is the one a person is to remain being the for life.

Your Turn

@EquityNetworkD on X
They don’t and won’t stop with 2SLGBTQIA+ folks. This movement is white supremacist, anti-Black, anti-indigenous, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, eugenicist and misogynist 7/10. This X comment by the Equity Network reminds me of the Niemöller poem: First They Came

Relating to the concerns about educating the children, we the public, have a right to know that our children are being well educated. That the structures of education follow a code that is ethical, moral, balanced, illuminating, inspired and invite students to question their world. The point that appears to have caused the melee, is the idea of indoctrination. Doug Ford, current premier of Ontario, shared his thoughts on the current education concerns. He used the term indoctrination relating to school children learning about gender identity and gender expression. The term indoctrination used in this way is an incendiary dog whistle statement. Drawing a response from his party-political all faithful.

High Chair
Indoctrination much like propaganda, pushes the idea of providing illicit, near illegal information to minors (as though a narcotic, or OxyContin). Do you hear the whistle now? The premise is that educators will influence students to consider significant internal changes. Of how they recognise themselves to be on a fundamental level. For me there is something interesting taking place in the arguments. Similarly to my previous blog on the causes of a person to unalive themselves. We would be wise to notice that influence is universal and continual. Adults are aware that a child’s mind is impressionable. A child is as willing to believe in magical thinking as well as to know that gravity is a real force. As a toddler they did the toast, rusk, bowl, bottle drop test! Gravity as a magical magnet.

The challenge is in providing information to all involved with educating children – gender is an aspect of identity we are to consciously process. With great sensitivity. Sexuality and gender expression could be introduced at a time when children are questioning these aspects of their identities. I can remember sex education in my primary school as being something that made me squirm – internally. I was 8 or 9 years old at the time. If either parent had had a conversation with me before this lesson, normalising and assisting my appreciation of how natural human reproduction was, I doubt my nervousness would have been as great.

Over 20 years ago I enjoyed wearing a sarong around the house and whenever I felt brave also out in public. I can remember meeting someone who I had served coffee to earlier in the day. At one point in my life I was a barista at a coffee shop in central London. And now this patron was seeing me in different clothes. They didn’t say anything to me, nor I to them, but there was this look. A disdain. A barely disguised sneer. They disapproving from their vantagepoint. An invisible yet loud message was passed. Stating in all caps: MEN SHOULD NOT BE SEEN LIKE YOU ARE, OUT IN PUBLIC! It was a momentary glance but it is one that invited me to be aware of shame, masculinity, fashion, gender and expression with discomfort.

Moving about Brixton on this warm Summer’s eve with little care of who noticed me. I had felt secure in my maleness before. That was until I met their sneer, and my confidence evaporated. Perhaps there was an element of envy in them that did not want to accept that Black men in London could wear whatever they liked. I wonder too if those to the right of the argument either fear or envy the choice some young people have of being able to live non gender conforming lives? Denying themselves decades of psychoanalysis and years of closeting parts of themselves away. Speaking with a student at PACE who supports me at the Mac MS Fit programme, shared with me her perspective “It’s like the young people of today have a choice to be whatever they want! Older generations never had that!”

@EquityNetworkD on X
Confronting such Vitriol and violence seriously endangers queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, racialized, disabled, young folks and elders. The more of us show up, the safer we are. On the day and beyond. 8/10

I wonder what Fred Hampton would have made of these arguments. ‘Hold children away from identity information, or sensitively introduce and support learning?’ The Black Panthers were intensely interested in school and education. As well as collective social activism. The Black Panthers held a belief that education could free minds and help create a fair American society. Mr. Hampton knew that the Black Panthers could make change only if a collaborative effort, from disparate groups who were interested in revolutionizing everything, showed up in numbers. Change is always community lead I believe.

The Aye’s Have It
What is at the centre of the disagreement is how much information should children know and at what age, if ever is the concern? Should gender expression be presented too early, could that information influence a child to choose one identity over another? There is a large element of the unknown in both arguments. Perhaps certainty is a last bastion of a colonial system that has outlived it’s usefulness. There is excitement, risk and endeavour in both camps protestations. What could both sides gain from what is in between – left and right of the concern, I wonder?

Side Step
The podcasts and articles that follow are either directly related to the principle concerns and a few are not. For me, the problem with being right is we tend not to hear when someone is saying things we vehemently oppose. We shut them and their ideas down. We remain in sainthood whereby everybody else is seen as woefully wrong. We on the side of good, just and right. They on the wrong side of everything and will forever be more so. We stop having a sense of perspective when holding fast to being right.

Objective Truth
The opposing side hold tightly to their ideas too. I am borrowing from Dr. Yvon Guest’s Art work here. In ‘No Man’s Land: Navigating a Black and white world’, if we were to meet there, some of what is shared could be given space to grow. In No Man’s Land, where no side holds any power or influence, opinions could be heard and given space to support understanding on both sides of the debate, perhaps assist in learning anew.

We all lose if war prevents us from arriving at logical progressive solutions. The main similarity between the arguments is wanting the best for future generations of children. Blocking, banning and fashioning laws that prevent humanity at arriving, appears only to highlight our limited understanding of ourselves, each other and the complex world we live upon. In being right we dislocate our appreciation of truth. To move forward both left and right are to co-ordinate efforts with locomotion. Conflict is a catalyst to social change. The alternative is that we remain in a forever stalled position…

Hidden Brain with Shankar Vedantam In this episode Shankar discuses with Linda Skitka moral convictions.
Revisionist History with Malcolm Gladwell discusses Laundry Done Right. In this episode Malcolm and colleagues go to great lengths to share an idea about a cold wash! Wait for the dishwasher reveal that arrives at the end. We often feel we know what is best and I like that Malcolm is capable of showing us his learning. There is amazement and humour in unlearning what we held as truth!
Poetry Unbound with Pádraig O Tuama shares Faisal Mohyuddin’s poem Prayer. There are a few lines that stand out in particular in reference to being right, which are summarized in the poem as a perfect emptiness describing the unknowable essence of everything we hold dear. Again I am troubling the idea of being right here.
In the episode of Criminal Podcast I was intrigued by what Phoebe Judge and the team are able to discuss in this episode. ‘They Came for the Judges’ describes the horror of the Taliban seizing Afghanistan and releasing all prisoners from prisons in a city. Female Judges are forced to leave the country to secure their safety. In this story there are clear sides of being right and wrong.
Code Switch Stepping Back Inside – Dream House. In this memoir Carmen Maria Machado shares her story as a writer about meeting Ms. Right who turns out to be so, so very wrong. What I enjoyed about this story is the interplay between Carmen’s multi-layered considerations about her identity and who she allowed herself to be when in company. I cannot wait to read more from this writer. Who is right is the question that floats throughout this podcast? It is as confusing as it is compelling.
Questlove Supreme Podcast with Bonnie Raitt. What I love about this episode is how in tune the Dream Team are with their guest. Bonnie Raitt speaks on a number of issues including her music, being a hall of famer, activism and on paying legends in the music business their due. The conversation is nuanced, layered and ventures both left and right. My aim of listing this episode of Questlove Supreme, amongst the other points was to emphasise that through mutual appreciation a welcome understanding can be achieved.
GTA 1000s Gather to Protest – A fact based article on a September protest in Toronto. The story looks at both sides of the argument offering readers a chance to review what they know. Presenting why so many people showed up to protest.
Gender Identity Transgender Lessons in Schools. This article discusses the challenge schools and teachers face when presenting gender, identity, sex ed and education on LGBTQI+ communities. I enjoyed this quote from Kathleen Ethier who said “When you make a school environment safe and supportive for the most vulnerable youth, you improve the school environment for everyone.” Nuff said!
Hidden Brain – Moral Combat
Revisionist History – Laundry done Right
Poetry Unbound – Prayer
TheY came for the Judges
Code Switch Stepping Back Inside Carmen Maria Machado’s Dream House
Questlove Supreme with Bonnie Raitt
GTA 1000s Gather to Protest
Gender Identity Transgender Lessons in Schools